Artillery Mag: Reconnoiter: Carmina Escobar
“The voice is a connecting thread across our communities and a tool to know ourselves. The goal of the lessons and workshops is to release the potential of your voice. When you come to understand your voice, you not only activate your sense of self but can also understand your own voice in your community. In HOWL SPACE we will investigate how your voice can aid your self-affirmation, offer therapeutic tools and be an instrument of liberation.”
The Wire: Howlspace
‘Howl Space’s inaugural workshops… prepped participants to use their voices as instruments of both protest and meditation; resistance and receptivity.”
People’s Portal Interview
“People’s Portal is a monthly segment hosted by Josephine Shetty, aka Kohinoorgasm, aspiring to bridge the visions of grassroots musicians with those of grassroots activists. Kohinoorgasm exclusively spins the music of experimental, unsigned, non-commercial, underground, and working class musicians, while each show features a conversation between the host and two guest artists/activists.”